M.I.T.E. How to Relax With Atapraxia
Produced in Harlem by M.I.T.E. Anteo Fabris-Cappio, film editing and guitar. Adam Nakhla-Thometz, music production and keyboards. A public service presentation by a relaxed organization. Useful Information: Praxis means planned movement. Apraxia starts with an intention to communicate. Next, an idea forms, outlining what to say. The words for the desired message are then put […]
Kurt Thometz’s Little Black Bookstore by Orestis Tsonopoulos
Kurt Thometz, a private librarian to the ultra-rich and a rare book collector with an affinity for African literature, surrounds himself with more than 15,000 obsessively organized books in an 1891 brownstone on West 160th Street in Upper Manhattan. Part-bookstore, part-bed and breakfast and private library, Thometz’s home is situated in a neighborhood steeped in African […]